
Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

This is always a good day for me. I went to try and find Angela today, to try and give her some comfort if I can. I tried her apartment and her grandma's house, but she wasn't at either place. I'm guessing she was either at the funeral home with her grandma or at her boyfriend's. I'm hoping she'll be okay. Meanwhile, Jack and his brother are going back across the country and bringing his bandmates with them.He said something about an East Coast tour this week, then they're coming home and are going to have a huge party. First of all, this could be awesome; second of all, I'm going to be pissed if I don't get invited. I  actually want to go to a party. See what he's done to me? Of course, he'd have to know I'd be there just for him. I wouldn't drink, either, I'd just want to have some fun and more face time with Jack. God, I keep saying that. I'm still chasing after him like an idiot. On a totally different subject, I worry that I'm not as empathetic or sincere as I could be. I mean what I say, but I worry that I come across as phony or insincere. I hate too, that words seem so weak and palid when I try to express my feelings. For example, when I was telling Angela and Jack how sorry I was when they lost their granpas I wondered if they really believed me. I meant what I said, but words never really seem to convey the depth of my feelings. I love them both, you know? I hope they believed me when I told them that.  I worry again about mom and Mark, he called me to today and said that he and she argued because he wanted to go see a movie and she said it was too bloody. They're still arguing over stupid shit, really? I'm going to let them just work this out, I couldn't do anything last time. I guess that's it for right now. Today's song is "Savior" by The Black Veil Brides

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