
Monday, April 9, 2012

Family, wtf?

I wanted to talk a little about my birthday, though I know it was over a week ago. I got this really nice, big birthday cake from Danny. It was so huge, I still have most of it in my fridge and hope I can eat it all without gaining a lot of weight. I also got a really nice message on Facebook from Cassie, and felt so loved for a while. Yesterday, though, Mark and mom got into some really big argument. Both ended up calling me and expecting me to help fix it. It's unfair to expect me to fix their stupid fucking argument, right? I told them they're just going to have to sit down and talk it out like adults, and I think they were both at least mildly disappointed that I said I wouldn't help them. I listened to both sides of their story, and that's all I can do. Some dumbass kids started making fun of Mark, then (somehow) brought me into it, though I have no clue how they know who I am.I know it pissed him off that they insulted him, but it got to him that they insulted me, too. I'm Mark's sister and mom's daughter, and I'm proud of those facts, but I am NOT their mediator.  Okay, I'm hoping I can call them both later today and they will have talked things out. Otherwise, I'm going to have to literally sit them both down like children and FORCE them to talk. I know I shouldn't say those things, but they're true. Okay, I need to switch subjects. Jack is still driving home with his brother, and I'm assuming things are going well because he would have said something otherwise. I wonder if he and his brother ever fight or argue, they seem really tight. I guess that's really it for right now. I just to vent about this, it's still bothering me.
Today's song is "Silver and cold" by AFI

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