
Friday, January 27, 2012

Here I am again.....


Here I am again, glad for the peace and quiet I for now. Not that it wasn't fun being with my friends on Wednesday, but I could use a bit of quiet for now. Of course, I'll be wanting their companionship again very soon. I'm planning on having something of an anime marathon at home tonight. Work kind of sucked yesterday, there was so much to do I barely had time to breathe. I shouldn't be complaining, I know, but it was HARD. At the very least, I know I did my best and kicked some ass. I'm probably going to go check on a friend of mine who got hurt before I go on my anime binge, just to make sure she's okay. I'm really glad I have my friends. I've heard that friends are the family one chooses for oneself, and I think that's very true. I'm glad my friend didn't get hurt seriously, just pulled some muscles. It does hurt like hell, however, to put it in her own words. We were trying to come up with a (fairly) short list of our favorite albums of all time on Wednesday, but mine feels a little incomplete. There's just so much shit to try and cram into a little list like that, I listen to a lot of music. I think in a way it was a bad idea to let them start drinking at my place, not that they drank much. I just hope they didn't drink more after they left, you know? I can't really tell them not to drink, as they're all over 21 and damn well free to do what they want. Besides, I think I'd bore the living hell out of them if I gave them another Straight Edge lecture, and they will not hang with me if all I do is lecture them. Anyway, back to the music. I found it almost funny that none of us had a single album on our lists that we loved unanimously. We all listen to some of the same stuff, but there wasn't one album that ended up on all our lists. I got into Jack's band

and played them some of their EP. Sarah kind of laughed when I showed them their music video, which has some really good shots of Jack. She grinned and said "Heh, yeah, I see why you listen to them. He's kind of a hottie, even if he is younger than you." I know she was just giving me shit, but she's right. Part of me fully knows that it could end horribly between us, to the point where we can't even be friends anymore, but these feelings refuse to die. I'm wishing I could talk to him again, and yet I'm almost afriad to. We hardly see or speak to each other right now, and I hate that. I miss him, God damn it. He had an outfit like the one below for Halloween last year, it l

looked perfect on him. I wish this stupid crush of mine would go away, but it won't. I didn't know adults could crush this hard, but it seems they can. He's just knocked me off my feet, I've never met anyone like him. He tries to make it seem like what he's doing isn't anything major, but in my eyes, it's kind of extraordinary. He's actually close to achieving his dream, you know? I've tried telling him this to his face, and he's so cool and calm about it, he'll smile beautifully and take it in stride. Okay, I guess that's it for today. Thanks so much for reading.

Today's song is " The hand that feeds" by Nine Inch Nails


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