
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Still tired, but better


I'm still dead tired, but I managed to sleep a good 5 1/2 hours last night, which (pathetically) is an improvement. I'm in a slightly better mood, too. Thank God for coffee. It started raining at about 4:30 this morning, I rolled over and shut the window over my bed, and went back to sleep for about another hour. Nothing else Trevor related has happened, and I'm really glad. Mom and Mark came over yesterday, in an effort to cheer me up and calm me down. Unfortunately, all they did was argue. I got so frazzled by their stupid ass bickering that I almost asked them to just go home. I hate it when they do that, and they do it a lot. I hate it even more when they try and drag me into it. I got a message on Facebook yesterday from my friend Becky, the one who moved to Texas, complaining that she never gets to talk to me anymore. I wrote about my dad coming up soon, and how I'm still in the same city we grew up in, sadly. I also talked to Danielle, Jack's boss, for a bit today. She's so cool. I came in, and she goes "Hey, girl! What's up?" I love coming in there and being greeted like a friend. I'm still a bit puzzled by Mike wanting to be friends with me. I know Jack told him about me, but I wonder what in hell he told him. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth here, but I do think I deserve to know what was said about me while I was the topic of their conversation. Also, it's probably weird that I have no qualms about being friends with Mike, whereas every instinct I had told me to stay away from Trevor. It was good knowing that he was a friend of a friend, and I was willing to trust him because of that. I just knew Trevor would be jealous of guys like that. I got to talk to my best friend yesterday, and she said her soon to be ex isn't paying child support like he's supposed to, and is being really selfish when it comes to spending time with their little girl. Things haven't exactly been easy for her either, obviously. I'm hoping her ex will quit being such an asshole soon. I'm looking forward to seeing Cassie tomorrow. I think we're going to have a Fruits Basket or Supergals marathon. I love that we're friends now!!!!!

I wonder how she's dealing with Frank's death, she's coming down here to go to his funeral early Saturday morning. I hope she'll be okay. She's a tough girl, but this still has to be pretty damn devastating. On another, totally different topic, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed by all the relationship shit that's been going on lately, all the different relationships I have and have either recently formed (Mike) or reestablished (Rob). It's a lot to take, especially with the added craziness of my family. I want all these complicated, stress-inducing relationships though, I don't exactly feel good about how easy it would be for me to just eventually shut myself off from everyone. I cut myelf off from others way too much as it is. Isn't this picture way cute? It fits too, since Cassie and I are both small like that. She also has black hair, while I have brown. I'm hoping things will only get better between us, but we both have to keep working on it. I guess that's it for today, thanks for reading.


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