
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trip planning and other things...

Good morning, everyone. I get to come in to work a little later today, thank God. I've decided that I'm going to Tokyo in the last week of February, staying in Akihabara, and going to spend my first full day there in Shibuya. I'm going shopping first, then eating lunch in this awesome vegetarian restaurant I heard about, then going on the Imperial Palace tour. Not bad, right? I think the day after that, I'll go to Odaiba, then maybe Ikebukuro. God damn, that's a lot to cram into just a few days, but it's going to be fucking awesome. Jack is doing another radio interview, which I'm hoping will be just as good. The last time I talked to him, he said he was really lonely. Could this mean anything? What am I doing? I know I shouldn't be thinking this, but I can't help it. What if he and his girlfriend break up? I need to quit right now, nothing good is going to come of this if I keep thinking about this. It's just that I still really want to be with him and don't want to miss my chance this time. I'm just wondering if maybe he and his girlfriend aren't as happy as they first seemed. Okay, I need to get him out of my head. I was buying some manga and felt I was taking long time to get through the line, so I apologized to the guy behind me in line who said "How could I be upset with a pretty girl wearing a Misfits shirt?" Once again, guys dig the Misfits shirt. ^_~ I think that's it for today. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is" Dig up her bones" by The Misfits

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