
Thursday, April 10, 2014


Good morning, you guys. I'm very glad to finally have time to sit and write again. I've had a lot going on, so here it is. I've started working with the coolest new girl, she's a lot like me, she's even Wiccan. I don't know her very well yet, but I totally think we can be friends. Megan and I went to a spray tan place to make up for my not going to the show she invited me to. I will say this right now, it's not for me. Megan had been dying to go to this place so I went because I felt guilty for not going with her to that show. I look ridiculous and just want my normal, pasty white self back. I can't tan naturally, and this is not going to work for me. I haven't heard from Nate anymore, and I don't think I will again. Fifteen years of friendship ruined, God damn it. I got this message from a friend of a friend on Facebook, asking me to go out with him. What the fuck, dude? I'm sorry, I'm not going out with some random guy simply because he knows a friend of mine. I think I need to make my Facebook page more difficult to find. I've also started taking a Japanese class in the evenings after work, I want to be able to speak better by the time I get to Tokyo. I hate practicing Kanji, it's so difficult. I like to think I'm learning quickly, though. Jack and Mike are recording vocals for a couple of new songs they just finished writing. I can't wait to hear them, they're going to be awesome. I'm getting little reminders all the time about their next show, as if I'd forget. I hope their tours go by quickly and they get home again quickly. It's a little bit funny to think that until a few years ago, I had no idea these guys existed, and now they're some of my favorite people in the world. Cassie(my sister) and her best friend just got home from a Spring Break trip to Greece, and had an amazing time there. I was so happy to be the first person she called when she got home, and to hear that she got me a birthday present there. I want so badly for us to be friends. I had an argument with Mom again, over a shirt she thought was too tight and a skirt she thought was too short. I didn't start the argument, I swear. I wish she wouldn't feel the need to criticize anything I do that she doesn't agree with. That's why there things I haven't told her, simply because I know she wouldn't approve. I think that's about all that's happened this week. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is" Ready to fall" by Rise Against

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