
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A new fanboy .......

I had a crazy, busy day yesterday. I started working for my newest client yesterday, and oh my God, it was difficult. I don't think any of my clients have been this fucking demanding, and I hated it. Yes, I know I'm there to help them, but they should treat me with a bit of God damn respect. I went to do a little shopping after work to try and get out of the bad mood I was in, and had my bag with the buttons on it with me, and this guy comes up and says "I notice you have Sailor Moon buttons on your bag. I always liked Sailor Mercury. I think she's the most competent, and cutest."
I kind of nodded and said she was my favorite character, and he just kept talking. I tried to act like I had to go into a store he wasn't heading into to try and get away from him, but he followed me in. I had to tell him I really wasn't interested, and he looked really hurt. Once again, I feel like shit for hurting someone. I still just don't want a guy who isn't Jack, I'm sorry. It isn't even that the guy was ugly or anything, I just haven't gotten over Jack yet. I heard  from Sandra yesterday, and she was wondering when my family and I are coming back to Austria. I still haven't told anyone that I'm going to Tokyo in the spring, so she thinks I'll be able to go to Austria again. I don't know if I want to go back to Austria again so soon, though I know my aunt and grandma would really happy.  I'd rather hang out in Tokyo, to be honest. I think that's all for today, I have to get going.
Today's song is "I hope you suffer" by AFI

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