
Thursday, June 5, 2014

A day off!!

Good morning, everyone. I can't tell you how happy I am to have today off, and not just because Jack and Mike are finally home again.
 Their last tour didn't go so well, but they're not letting it get to them. One of the first things Mike said to me was "I just got home, headed out to buy some food, and it's pouring rain on me. Got to love life's spontaneity!! " I would have gotten really upset if that had been me, but he laughed it off with such good humor. I am once again filled with such joy that he's my friend. He usually does have this light, happy energy about him that makes him so great to be around. I love that so much, because it balances out my tendency to be mopey and pessimistic. Jack on the other hand is just as mopey and moody as I am, which makes me happy in a way, then doubtful that we would make a good couple if we're both like this.  I hate that they're leaving again in about a week, They both asked if I'll be coming to see them, and I said (again) that I would. They're both really excited for Warped Tour, though they are every year. I think when I see them I'll bring cookies and sandwiches or some shit like that, I want them to eat. Mark was telling me he's depressed because he's worried about the future, poor guy. I can't say I don't understand how he feels, and that facing the future isn't scary. I talked with him for hours about this, and I really hope I could help him feel better. I don't like seeing him depressed, he said he almost wished he were stupid so maybe he wouldn't worry so much. Again, I understand how he feels. He usually has the same light, happy energy about him that Mike does, so it feels very wrong when he's depressed. These three are all really good guys, and I want to make sure they're happy if at all possible.
I think it's weird that Mark and Jack both see me as a happy, smiley girl, yet they know how unhappy I've been and the shit I've been through in life. My happiness is in no small part thanks to them, to be honest. I think that's it for now. Thank you so much for reading.

Today's song is "Pulse of the maggots" by Slipknot

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