
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quiet, peaceful morning

Good morning, everyone. Here I am again, with a cup of coffee and things on my mind. I heard a little bad news from Jack again, it seems their record label is still not paying them what they were promised, and Jack is pissed. He said "I'm not doing this for money, but I still have to pay my rent and I'm going to have get my car fixed soon." It's sad to see him and his friends being kind of taken advantage of. I hope there's something Jack can do to get fair payment, though I have no idea what that would be. I had a bit of an argument with Cassie yesterday; I couldn't help it, she just pissed me off. She was asking me to help her take care of shit that should really be her own problem, and when I said no, she got really bitchy and mad. We then proceeded to bitch each other out, and are still mad at each other. I regret what I said, but I'm still mad at her. She always acts like my time is somehow worth less than hers and whatever I might have to do is less important than what she has to do, and I hate it when she does that. I refuse to be the one to apologize again. I hate being the one who always caves in.  She wanted to do something for Mom's birthday, but (again) wanted me to do most of the work. All I can say is she needs to treat me less like a servant and more like a sister. She should know better than to treat someone she's supposed to love like this, right?  All right, I think that's enough for today. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " One" by Metallica

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