
Saturday, February 22, 2014


I wish I could say I was making progress with Jack. The last time I talked to him all he could do was bitch about the lighting at their last show not working right and fucking things up. It's kind of useless to talk to him when he's like this, believe me. I let him get it all out of his system, and he thanked me for listening, but that's as far as we got. I'm his friend, so I was glad to listen, but I want to be his girlfriend. I hope he's feeling better today.
I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Today is Nate's birthday, and Cassie is coming over later. I kind of wish I could have some quiet time that was truly quiet. I just want a few hours where I'm not on the phone, helping someone else with something, or trying to cheer someone else up. I really haven't gotten a lot of "me" time lately is what I'm trying to say. I think people just assume sometimes that I have nothing better to do than help them, cheer them up, and that it costs me nothing to do so. I'm not trying to be selfish, I'm just saying that it does take it out of me to always have to be there and put everyone else's needs ahead of my own. I think I'm going to shut my phone off and watch a little anime later. A couple more of my friends are engaged, and have done nothing but talk about their weddings so far, and it's horrible because I get asked more and more why I'm not married. Once again, I don't think I'd have time for a boyfriend if I had one because I'm too busy taking care of everyone else. Fuck it, I'm going to shut my phone off now and start watching anime. I might play some "Soul Caliber 2 HD" as well, I'm actually good at it.
Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " Welcome Home(Sanitarium)" by Metallica

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