
Friday, April 2, 2010

My first post!!!!!

Hey, here's my first post. I'm hoping this turms out well and I can actually keep up with it. I'll probably be writing about all kinds of random crap, but I hope to keep it interesting that way, if only for myself. I guess I'll get into a little bit about myself to start, my favorite band at the moment is AFI. I'm a bit oppsessive when I find something I really like, and they're no exception. I think I freak my family out a little with how much I listen to them and all my posters and buttons and junk. I haven't gotten an AFI tattoo, yet. I have however, even gotten my mom to like stuff like "Prelude 12/21", so I think that in and of itself speaks for the awesomeness, power, and beauty of their music. Trust me, she is one of the last people I would've expected to listen to anything of theirs. I love that they have seneses of humor too, they have crack me up with their comments in interviews. I love that at least Davey and Jade are Straight-Edge too, because so few of the people I listen to are ,and I hate that they're slowly destroying themselves and cutting their lives short with drugs and alchohol. Okay, back to me. I'm normally very quiet and rarely go anywhere or do anything without my ipod and a book handy. I have an older brother, 2 younger brothers, and a younger sister. Of all my siblings, I think my older brother and I have the most in common. He got me into most of the music and manga I'm into now, and we have similar senses of humor. I guess we look the most alike too, though his eyes are more blue than green, and mine are really green. I'm the shortest in my family, despite being the 2nd oldest. All of my brothers tower of me, and often find it funny. My middle brother used to pick me up and just laugh at how I'd kick my little legs trying to get back to the ground, and couldn't. Anyone who doesn't know me never guesses that I'm actually an adult, I get mistaken for a middle school girl all the time, and hate it. I guess I still sound like a little girl too, I'm stuck with this quiet, mezzo- sopprano voice forever. I guess that's how it's meant to be though, and it WAS pretty fun singing the high, melodic parts in high school choir. That was my all time favorite class in school, and I made almost every friend I have there. It was really nice and reassuring knowing that there were other people like me in my school, and I found them there. Plus, in the choir room we even had our own hang-out, no one bothered us there. College was in some was great, and in other ways, very much a let-down, because so many of the people there treated me just like most of the people in high school did. I guess that's what I get for being a langauge geek, and a good student, too. >_> The few people I really liked got out of that school asap, and then I had only my books and CD player for company. I grew up speaking German, because my mom is Austiran, and she started teaching me Spanish when I was abbout 10, and now I'm trying to learn some Japanese because my little sister andd I are going to Japan in about a month and a half. This is one of the few things my sister and I have in common, and I'm really excited and happy that she acctually wants to go with me, even if only because she knows I have a better chance of learning Japanese.

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