
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 month, 4 days 'til I'm in Japan!!!!

I'm kind of nervous about this trip deep down, I've never planned a vacation before, let alone one to the other side of the world, and I'm freaking out a little. I just keep thinking of all the things that could go wrong, or all the things I could screw up. I wouldn't care so much if it were just me, honestly, but I don't want to screw up my sister's vacation, either. Oh, I can imagine a lot of great things, too, don't get me wrong, but it really scares me to think of something going wrong when we're both so far from home and hardly fluent in the language. That's just me being myself, though, I think. I tend to focus WAY too much on the negative things, and have too little faith in the positive. I swear I'm trying to work on that, but it's so hard to change this part of my personality anymore. I don't want to be a negative person, but I don't think this is negativity so much as realism, a lot of things really COULD go wrong. I can see us hanging out together, having fun in a little sushi place or something. I can see us walking around Ueno park or something like that, and I keep praying that the whole trip plays out like that, well. I also promised my best friend a post card from Japan, and my brothers a few small souvenirs, and I want to bring back A LOT of really great memories and pictures for myself. Okay, okay, enough with that. I bought a really awesome pair of black ballet flats to wear on the trip, because I don't think my black leather boots would be a very good idea, or very comfortable since we'll probably be on our feet for hours at a time. I've also condescended to bring my 2 dresses with me, in case we should happen to go somewhere I'll need to wear a dress. I have to say, being without my black jeans, band shirts, corsets, and black leather boots for that long will be a pretty huge adjustment, and not necessarily one I'll enjoy making. In a way, though, I guess it's a good thing that I'll be forced to step a bit outside my style comfort zone for a while. The dresses I'll be wearing will be black, but they're still dresses. I guess as long as I'm comfortable and everything, it really shouldn't matter what I'm wearing. I'll keep telling myself that. >_> Honestly, as long as everything works out, I don't care about much else. I'm also thinking of moving a little after I get back, a bit down the street from my best friend's appartment. I'm already coming up with all these ideas about what I'll do to the new place and how awesome it'll look, and I'm not even there yet. It does give me something pleasant and fun to look forward to, though. As if the whole Japan thing weren't enough, right? My sister REALLY wants to go to Okinawa, for obvious reasons. Just look at that picture. The one bad thing is, I can already practially feel myself getting a sunburn, and I hate that. I guess that's all for today. BYE!!!!!!

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