
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here I am again.......

Today's actually been quite a good day so far, though I feel there isn't enough caffeine on this planet anymore to keep me from feeling tired. ^_^ I just downed my 5th cup of coffee, and still feel nothing from it. I have a problem, right? I'm like my dad that way, he can just chug cup after cup and it doesn't seem to bother him. I realize that's not healthy, but I've gotten my body so hooked on it that I get this terrible headache if I don't drink any coffee. It started with my first all nighter for school, I sat there downing cup after cup and trying to stay calm and awake. it makes me really jittery after the 3rd cup usually, you know? I did fine on the test and paper I had to stay up to prepare for, with the help of my coffee and about 20 run throughs of Stone Sour's first album. "Bother" is still my all time favortite song, though AFI are my favorite band. Watch the video, listen to the song. It still takes my breath away, almost 8 years after I first heard it. I'd post a link to it here but I'm not sure how, sorry. They have it on youtube, PLEASE go check it out. I'm a rather huge Slipknot fan, too. It still makes me laugh to think of the time I told my brother that he could borrow my Slipknot CD collection, and he kind of laughed and said "YOU like Slipknot?" I just looked at him and said "Yeah, they're awesome." I don't get why he didn't think his short, cute little sister could like a band like them. It's because of Corey, honestly, I'd listen to him sing almost anything. He has such an awesome voice. He has a pretty awesome sense of humor too, and humor is really important to me. It kind of shocked me that my brother didn't beleive I'd be into something like that when it's pretty much his fault I'm into Metal at all, he'd play a lot of Metallica and stuff while our mom was at work and I just got into it. She wasn't exactly happy that her 11 year old daughter was listening to stuff like this, and still doesn't technically approve. By 7th grade I'd moved onto Alice in Chains and Marilyn Manson and stuff like that. It was funny that I actually found another 8th grade girl who liked MM, and it made me really happy. Naturally, that kind of stuff didn't endear me to most of the people at school, but what could I do? It was already a pretty huge part of who I was, and still am. For our final in choir we all had to sing something individually and as a group, and the girls chose to sing a Spice Girls song, I wanted nothing more than to sing the Linkin Park song the guys had chosen. That wasn't the first time I cursed the fact that these kinds of songs DO NOT sound right being sung in a high pitched, quiet voice like mine, trust me. I'd better go, I think I've rambled on enough. Thanks for reading.

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