
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exactly 3 weeks until I'm in Japan!!!!!!

Wow, time seems to be going by so fast now. I can't believe it's really that close to time to leave. I'm still a little scared, but the excitement seems to grow as fast as the fear. I have lost a little sleep about some things that could potentially go wrong, but I keep trying to make myself believe that nothing will. I hate feeling like everything is going to go wrong, because it kind of ruins the whole thing before I even get there if I'm expecting disaster. I seriously have a problem that way though, I ALWAYS do it. I'd hate to ruin something that I've waited almost half my life for by worrying so much that I don't have any fun. Okay, I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing, so maybe I should just relax and give in to the excitement. I wish I weren't an "A" type personality, I'm just always nervous and edgy. I'm listening to AFI again, and my God, these guys are amazing. I'm SO glad I didn't have much to do besides listen to the radio and read a few years ago, and that there was a radio station here that still played anything worth listening to, and that I happened to catch AFI on the radio. I had no idea at first who they were, what their names were, what they looked like, but I was in love with the music after less than a minute. That's all it took. That's actually how it happened with Slipknot too, ironically. I recognized Corey's voice from listening to Stone Sour while listening to the radio late one night when I couldn't sleep. I kind of grinned when I heard that, because I only really knew their reputation at that point, but again, after a matter of seconds I was hooked. For once insomnia was a good thing, probably the only time. I miss that radio station, I first heard 2 of my all time favorite bands on there and it doesn't exist any more. Oh, well, I guess. I've got the CDs. I'm kind of pathetic, I don't think I've gone an entire day without listening to them at least once since I got the CDs. So, in other words, for years I've heard the same songs over and over. It's all just very calming and soothing to me, it helps me keep from totally flipping out. It was Corey and Davey's voices though, that really got my attention, still some of the most beautiful things in the world. It was kind of strange though, to find out that there were faces just as beautiful behind those voices, Corey's got a great face. I love his laugh, too. I've gotten almost every one of my family members to like a little AFI, with the exception of my older brother, but he's as big a Slipknot fan as I am now, so I guess I can call that even. I don't care that I can't bring my hair straightner, cell, or laptop with me to Japan, but God am I going to miss my i pod. I don't know if it's really possible to be dependent on music like I am on caffine, but I'm starting to think that it is. Like I said, it's just calming, and some of it is truly beautiful, it's not all just about screaming and playing as loud and fast as possible. I guess that's all for now. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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