
Saturday, October 6, 2012

FINALLY back!!!!!

HEY!!!!! I'm so glad to be writing again, God damn what a week this has been. It seems my life is getting even more fucking messy and busy, which is the exact opposite of what I've been trying to do. I had a great (though way too short) trip to Canada. I might upload a few pictures if you guys want to see them. I'm not so great with my new digital camera though, so some of the shots look kind of shitty. You'll never fucking believe who e-mailed me the night before I left for Canada; Trevor. He got a new e-mail address, and sent me this stupid e-mail with a link to a video he made saying he still wants me to go out with him, even if I'm dating someone else right now. I'm not, but the entire idea is just fucking creepy, he's fucking creepy. This is definitely stalker behavior, and I'm not having it. I blocked his new e-mail address, too. I will go to the cops if tries this shit again. Okay, now I'm feeling really freaked out. I need to talk about something else. Jack's band is having an awesome Halloween show, and I can't wait to go. I hate that yet again, I'll have work the morning after one of his shows but I really don't give a shit right now. I said Mark could stay over for the weekend, and he's sacked out on the couch right now. Poor kid fucking hates school, I don't blame him. I wasn't exactly popular either, so I know how he feels. I keep telling him; "Just make it through this year and you never have to deal with these dumbasses again." I like to think I'm a good influence on him, and hope that I really am. I ran into Craig and a few of my "fanboys" on Thursday after work, God damn it was awkward. I don't think I've given any of them any kind of indication that I like them, and yet they bother me to no fucking end every time they see me. I just want to be with Jack, all these other guys can fuck off. I haven't heard from Mike in a while, his girlfriend is no doubt spending every second she can with him. ^_^ They're totally one of the cutest couples I've ever seen. I just realized how much I've been swearing in this entry, sorry. Jack is really rubbing off on me, lol.^_~  I miss the shit out of that guy, and it hasn't been all that long since I've seen him. He and Mike are planning yet another tour, I just wish they'd hang here with me a little more. I'm grateful for every day that they're my friends, believe me, but it's really tough being friends with people you hardly get to see.  I don't really understand why I feel I can tell Jack and Mike basically everything, when I have a really hard time trusting other guys with anything. I don't think it's just that they're gorgeous guys who play awesome music for a living, either. I think it has something to do with the fact that they're shared things with me too, and not just through their music. Okay, I think that's about it for today. Thanks yet again for reading, love you guys.
Today's song is "6 to 8" by AFI

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