
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Okay, just a few more days

The title of today's entry is what I keep telling myself, it's only a few more days until Jack and the guys get back home. I heard a new song of theirs yesterday, and it's amazing. I know it probably seems ridiculous, but I still can't help doing the fan girl thing whenever I hear them play. I just automatically look like this. I'm glad at least that Jack and Mike aren't mean and act like they don't know the girl spazing out in the front row of their shows; the few I've gone to, that is. I'm leaving for Canada in about 2 weeks and really hope to get some time in with Jack, I miss this guy so much it's pathetic. I worry that I'm alienating him and a lot of other people by keeping so much to myself and not being as warm and open with them as they deserve. I had an interesting day Wednesday; Cassie left her phone in one of her classrooms at school, and guess who the professor who found it called. This girl right here, while she was on her way to work. >_> I pulled over to take the call, and then had to figure out a way to get Cassie her stupid fucking phone back without driving the 200 or so miles round trip that it would take me to get up to her place and back home. I know she wouldn't do well without her phone. What really pissed me off is that she didn't even thank me for helping her out. I texted her best friend(and roommate)  and asked if there were any way she could pick it up and bring it to Cassie, which she was nice enough to do. Yet again, I feel a little under appreciated. I was almost late for work, go to trouble I didn't have to, and she can't even say thanks. Maybe I should just quit trying to be her friend, this is just fucking stupid. Am I wrong to be mad at her for this? Would she have done the same thing for me? Yet another of my relationships that seems horribly unequal. Maybe things would be different if I hadn't always been there for her and been helpful to her. She takes me for granted, you know? Why do I feel again like I'm getting fucked over for being the responsible older sister? Okay, I'm just getting pissed again thinking about it. I think I need to go do something else.
Today's song is "People=shit" by Slipknot

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