
Friday, April 22, 2011

I REALLY need to vent............


I'm feeling really, really stressed right now and it's not really even because of anything I did. I always seem to end up dealing with other peoples' problems, and then they become my problems. These people seem to think I'm freaking Wonder Woman or something, since about 90 times out of 100 they come to me with whatever's bothering them. Where does Wonder Woman then go for help, right? My sister's been wanting to study in Austria, where our mom's from, and it doesn't seem to be working out, so she calls me at 11:00 last night, freaking out about it, and expects me to know what to do. All I could do was tell her what mom already told her, that they haven't yet told her they're not going to accept her, and she should try to be patient and calm until we know anything one way or another. Then my brother tells me his apartment manager saw his cat in his apartment and told him he has to get rid of her and he doesn't know of anyone who wants a cat, and doesn't want the cat to be put in a shelter, or worse, put to sleep. The problem with that is, I don't know anyone who lives in a place that allows cats, my landlord sure as hell doesn't, and I don't know of anyone who'd want a cat as spoiled and crazy energetic as my brother's. I'd take the cat if I weren't allergic and it wouldn't totally piss my landlord off. I love that cat too, trust me. I don't know what to do about any of this, yet they somehow expect me to. My sister recently gave up her job and moved about 60 miles away, where her best friend is, and hasn't been able to find another yet. I of course then had to listen to how everyone in the family who's really old enough to work has a job but her, and it sucks, and I didn't know how to make her feel better. When did I become the family shrink, you know? One of my best friends told me years ago that I should be either a psychologist or an author, damn her for being so right. Ironically, I've wanted to be an author since the 6th grade when my teacher read this story I wrote and said it was one of the best he'd ever read, and then my mom and older brother read it and loved it, too. I can see myself being paid to sit and write, while drinking massive amounts of coffee and listening to music. That's my freaking dream job, but I realize that in reality there's very little chance of it actually happening. Sadly, I don't know for sure that our little Canada trip's happening, either. It's snowing (again), and I don't think it's any better up there. This is sort of how I looked going outside today. Only, my expression was nowhere near this serene and happy. It was more like this.

I guess I've vented enough for right now, thanks for listening to me. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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