
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sadness and loneliness

Once again, I'm not feeling the happy. I've been feeling really down this entire week and I can't stand it. It started with my birthday celebration on Sunday, Cory really didn't seem to want to be there and didn't really seem to care that I was. I don't know what I did wrong or said to make him angry. Mom said some thoughtless shit that really hurt me and I just can't seem to get over it. I feel like I've done a lot for this family and it's still not enough, I'm just not enough for them. I hate that I've given so much of my life to them and thrown away a relationship with Jack for them and this is how I get treated. To top it all off, Jack and his girlfriend are going to have a baby. My heart hurts so much right now and all I can do is sit here and write this stupid fucking post about it. I feel so stupid and so worthless, I basically hate myself right now. I'm just tired of never feeling good enough, yet always being the person who goes out of her way to help people and be good to people. No one ever really seems to care how I feel or what I think, I'm just here to make things better for others and have no other purpose in life. >_> I think that's it for right now.
Today's song is "Die, Die, Die," by The Misfits

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