
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trying to relax, but worried

I'm worried that Mom still doesn't seem to be feeling well. I hope she hasn't been working too hard and trying to do too much. I had a feeling she was exhausted yesterday when I talked to her, but she's too proud to let me or anyone help her most of the time. I had a great time gaming with Julia, Angela, and her sister Jessica. I've known Jessica for a long while now, almost as long as I've known Angela, and we've become pretty good friends. These girls feel more and more like sisters, and it's awesome. I'm still getting along well with Cassie and can't wait to see her. She's getting ready to graduate college soon, and I think she's just glad to put that stress and work behind her. I'm so glad Cassie and I friends and can just talk, hang out, and have fun together. Jessica even said she loves me like a sister and thinks of me as such, which is really nice. I have a couple of guy friends that I kind of think of as brothers, but it's still a little difficult being truly relaxed around them. The one exception is my friend Andy, but we've been friends since we were 12, and there's little we haven't told each other. I saw Nate for the first time in a while yesterday, and he looked happy until he saw me. How can he still be this angry at me? I can't believe that next year I will have known Andy and Nate for 20 years, holy shit. I hate that look he gave me, still like I betrayed him. I guess that shouldn't surprise me, though it still hurts me.  I think that's all for today.
Today's song is "Break the cycle" by Motionless in White

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