
Sunday, March 10, 2013


I was really upset yesterday about Nate and Trevor's reactions to my rejections of them, so I talked it out with Sarah and Rachel and felt a lot better. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! I was so happy that they told me I shouldn't feel guilty about not reciprocating their feelings; if I don't feel it I don't. I've been rejected too, and it hurts but it's not the end of the world. I couldn't stand how they both acted like I was to blame for everything. I'm sorry, all right? I've had my heart trampled on too, you know? I never asked for this, and it really hurts that Nate can't seem to forgive me and won't talk to me anymore. I'm sorry about how things have turned out, but I'm not going to pretend to feel something that I don't. I'm so grateful to my friends for helping me through this and reminding me that I'm not always wrong. I can't tell you how much they helped me. I often feel pushed and pulled in so many directions that I really don't need this added to it. I keep telling myself that I'm not such a bad person, though I still feel bad. Okay, enough of this shit; I didn't do anything wrong. I'm still working out plans for a trip to Tokyo, and it's going to kick some fucking ass. I've kind of nixed the idea of going to a host club, it's a stupid idea for a Straight Edge girl to go in there when all they sell is alcohol. I've thought of an entire day spent in Shibuya alone, there's so much junk I didn't get to do. I'm a big enough nerd that I'd probably still think of Super Gals when I'm there, lol. I can't wait until I get to do this.^_^  Really, I feel like I just want some time to myself. I feel like while I'm here there's always someone wanting or needing something, and I can't refuse. Like I said, I feel pushed and pulled in so many directions all the time. I guess that's really it for right now.
Today's song is "One" by Metallica

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