I'm writing from Kyle's right now and am really glad I get to wish you guys all a happy new year. I won't say this year hasn't been tough for me- because that would be a lie. Kyle's watching me right now and smiling, because he says when I write I look my happiest and he wants me to be happy. He isn't wrong about that, it's probably when I feel my happiest too. I actually started writing a short novel, and was so pissed off to find my computer saw fit to erase all but the first 16 pages of it. I can't tell you the rage I flew into when I saw that, and that was the first time Kyle ever saw me really angry. He didn't really know what to do, so he just held me as I sobbed angry tears at the thought of having to retype 200 fucking pages. Luckily, that was exactly what I needed from him and I love him for it. But seriously- I finally fucking work up the guts to try to write a novel and this happens. He just put his arm around me to keep me from flipping out on him, lol. I have to say my boyfriend rocks. Christmas was amazing, we had so much fun together. I'm so glad that Mom likes (or seems to) like Kyle. I think she likes Patrick, Cassie's boyfriend, too. I really want to go into next year with a good outlook. I could definitely stand to work on that some more. I'm still considering spending time in Japan alone, part of me still thinks it would be good for me to have to stand on my own for once. I think that's about it for now.
Today's song is "Drain Away" by Dir En Grey
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