
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sad day..

I'm really not feeling the happy today, I've tried and failed so many times to cut Jack from my life but I know I need to do it now. I can't really be a part of his life now anyway, and I might as well let him go so we can both move on. The thing is, I can't believe it's come to this. It's just sad, you know? I'd felt like our bond was stronger than this, and I hate knowing that it isn't. I wish I had the courage to just cut him off right now, I'm such a fucking wuss. I'm also not happy because of Nate. God, this is going to sound like another anti-man speech. Sorry, I need to let this out. He left me a message on Facebook last night telling me I shouldn't have rejected him, and that I wouldn't have rejected him if he'd been more handsome. I would have rejected him anyway, because I don't feel that way about him as I've tried to explain to him a few times. I need him to quit blaming me for it when he was the one hitting on me and making everything between us weird. I'm sorry I hurt his precious little ego, but I'm not dating a man I don't love. I've been rejected before and it hurts, but he needs to let this go. I know I sound mean, but this is just how it is. I'm not going to coddle him and let him think I'm ever going to love him if I don't. I'm tired of guys acting like it's my fault I'm not interested in them when they're always the ones making the moves on me. All right, that's it. I'm finished with that portion of today;s writing. I did call Cassie yesterday and she said she isn't going to be able to make it to Mark or Mom's birthday parties but will come down as soon as possible to see them. I know she feels guilty, and I understand. I was honestly just glad to hear her voice. I think that's about it for now. Thank you for reading.
Today's song is " Addicted to Chaos" by Megadeth

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