
Sunday, December 14, 2014

SO sorry

Good morning, everyone. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back here again. My laptop is having trouble again and I had to have it fixed. I had a great Thanksgiving, and talked to Jack for a little bit about how similar our respective days were. We both got to our moms' houses early and ended up playing games with our families for hours. I went to another of his shows last night and had such a good time. I'm still so happy he's inviting me at all after all this time and all the shit we've been through together. He said they're working and some more songs and are very close to being finished with them. I can't believe I've known him for almost 5 years now, it doesn't seem that long. I got some horrible news about my friend Jon though, he has a very rare form of cancer and it doesn't seem like he's not going to live much longer. I can't tell you how sad this makes me, I've known this guy since I was 12 and he's dying. I can't really do anything for him either, which just makes things worse. I keep hoping maybe something will happen and he'll beat the cancer after all, but it doesn't seem very likely. I need to switch subjects now before I start crying. I'm very close to being ready for Christmas, I've got my tree ready and a shitload of presents. I think that's it for today. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " Thank you for the venom" by My Chemical Romance

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