
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Terrifying dream, coffee with Cory, good week

Good morning. I just woke up from one of the most vivid, and saddest dreams of my entire life. I dreamed about Jack dying, it was the weirdest thing. This is the second time I've dreamed of someone in my life dying, and the second time I've woken up in tears. It felt so real, I miss him so much still, I can't help it. I want to let him go, but I can't because a small part of me really doesn't want to. I tried calling him for his birthday a few days ago, which I know was a fucking stupid idea, but it turned out even worse when his girlfriend picked up his phone. Of course, she told me to quit calling her boyfriend. I know she loves him, but God damn it, I love him too. I just wish so much he had fallen in love with me instead of her. All right, enough. I had an awesome time talking to Cory and drinking coffee with him. I love my little brother so much. He said he loves the innocence he sees in me and lacks it himself. Otherwise, it's been a good week. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " The Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Another good week

This has been a\really great week I had my girls over to play games again, and I feel like I needed that. I can't wait to go to Japan with Cassie, Julia, and Marie. I just want so much to relax and have fun with people, I hate having so many hours of work. Once again, I feel like I work too much and need a break. I want to be with these girls, I love them. I bought my first (but not last) Halloween decorations yesterday, I don't know why that makes me so happy, but it does. I went on a game run yesterday and bought "Yokai Watch", which I seriously hope is as fun as "Pokemon", I pre-ordered "Pokemon Moon", and can't wait for it to come out. I got invited to one of Jack's shows, but I don't even know if I should go. I know his girlfriend isn't going to like it if I go, and I don't want to upset her. I hate the idea that he and I can't even be friends anymore, though. I think that's it for now.
Today's song is "The Good Left Undone" by Rise Against

Saturday, July 2, 2016

SO busy

Sorry for being absent the past two weeks. It's just that I've had so much going on and I feel like I really need a break. I'm going to have a barbecue with my family and go to see some fireworks tomorrow, and I'll be playing games with Jessica, Julia, and Angela this afternoon. I'm excited, but I'm glad to be alone for at least this morning. I've been thinking a lot about Jack, even now. If I'm very honest, I'm still far from over him. and I can't imagine I'm going to be any time soon. It's just sad that he's the first man I really felt a connection to like this. I've been seeing this guy, Hideki, all over lately, and it's weird. He seems nice enough, but it seems like he's only talked to me because I'm into anime, games, and manga. I'm  not sure he really cares about the real me or even wants to get to know her. I'm just not sure he really gives a shit about me, and doesn't just want a nerd girl, you know? I don't even know why I started talking to him, I probably shouldn't have. Maybe I am a little lonely, I got offered even more hours at work, and I don't want them. I'm probably going to end up taking them anyway, because I fucking suck at telling anyone no. I hate feeling like I'm the only one my boss can fucking rely on, I'm loving my 3DSXL, and need to go on another game run really soon. I think that's it for right now. Thank you very much for reading, and sorry I was gone so long.
Today's song is " Head like a hole" by Nine Inch Nails