Good morning, everyone. I'm really glad I can write finally. I talked to Jack again and he said he doesn't really want to go anywhere for a while. I know he and the guys have to go work on their new album soon, but I don't want him to go, either. I hope at least I can spend some time with him before he goes. I know he was saying how lonely he gets on tour, and how quickly the money they earned goes. I realize that even for someone like him who's doing what he loves, his work still has its drawbacks. I don't think he'd be doing anything else, though. I ran into Nate at our company's office, and it was so awkward. He knows he can't be angry with me there, but there was still a lot of contempt in his eyes when he looked at me. I don't want that to keep happening. I don't want to see him at all if this is how he's going to treat me. I just want a decent conversation with him again, it hurts me that everything between us is ruined. Mark and I are going to Comic-Con in less than 2 weeks, and it's so exciting. I can't wait. We're going to have an early birthday party for Danny the day after, since I'm going to be in Tokyo on his birthday and Cassie is going to be gone for the weekend after I get home. Then we have to start worrying about Thanksgiving and Christmas, holy shit. I think we might have scheduled too many things at once, once again. I have to say Mark has been especially amazing this week, so helpful, sweet, and understanding. I love him so much, he's the best little brother I could have hoped for. I think that's it for today. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is "I don't love you" by My Chemical Romance