Mike texted me, asking if I was going to Jack's Halloween party and I had to explain (again) that I can see Jack again. I had been previously invited to Jack's Halloween party, but after we fought and he kissed me I don't think I can see him again. When I told Mike I couldn't go to that party he got really sad, but I like to think he's going to understand. Things are never going to see Jack again, and I hate it. I feel once again like I need to get away from Jack, but I don't want Mike to be angry with me. I was afraid in a way that something like this would happen and my friendship with Mike would suffer because Jack and I had a fight. I just want Mike and I to remain friends. I wish so much that this hadn't happened between Jack and I. I've been talking to Angela, Jessica, and Julia about this during our gaming sessions, and it really helps. It just makes me sad that I've lost him. I think that's about it for now Thank you for reading.
Today's song is " Before I forget" by Slipknot