This has been a really rough week. I SO wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow. I got in a huge fight with my dad once again over why I'm not married, and we haven't spoken since. I;m also so glad I didn't tell him anything about Jack. He's mad also that I'm going to Japan again and he thinks it's a waste of time; that I should stay around here and try to find a man. I don't know his fucking obsession is with me getting married, and I'm so tired of it. If he had any idea how Jack just ripped my heart out and stomped on it he'd keep his mouth shut. I need to move on, though. I've been playing "Pokemon Moon" and watching a shitload of "Kuroko no Basket" in my time off, and it's relaxing and a great escape from the everyday bullshit of my life. I love Atsushi Murasakibara, the tall guy with the purple hair, he makes me laugh simply because some of the shit he says and does is so random. I'm planning on getting more KnB things in March when Cassie and I go to Japan. I'm going to really fucking need that break, believe me. I also truly love "Pokemon Moon", but at the rate I've been playing it I'm going to beat it in a few more days. I think that's really about it for right now, thank you for letting me vent and I hope your week has been better than mine.
Today's song is " Saku" by Dir En Grey