
I'm glad to be back here again, I'm feeling a little sad today. Mike sent me a text yesterday talking about something that Jack said about music and its healing powers and said "I swear this sounds just like something you would say. It's crazy how much alike you two are." I think he's right, and that might have been the problem between us. I hate that I had to agree with Mike right away on that, but again I think Jack and I were too much alike to have a functional relationship. Especially because we're making relationships work with other people and it feels much easier than our relationship (such as it was) with each other ever was. That's not to say I don't still miss him and wish we could have stayed friends but his wife and Kyle would never allow that. I know it's good that he and I are moving on with our lives, but he's still one of the best friends I've ever had and I miss having someone understand my thoughts and feelings as easily as he did. I'm going to switch subjects now because thinking about him still makes me sad. I'm still faithfully studying my Japanese and it's getting a little easier, but I hate Kanji with a passion. I think it does help to listen to Japanese music, and to that end Kyle pre-ordered the Dir En Grey Greatest Hits vol.1 for Christmas and I can't wait. I love having a boyfriend who's also a Dir En Grey fan, lol. I love that he's also learning Japanese. I think that's about it for now. Thank you for reading.
Today's song is " Audience Killer Loop" by Dir En Grey
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