
Good morning, everyone. I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I wrote. I didn't mean for it to be so long between posts, believe me. I didn't get to go to Canada because Mom got a sinus infection, but we went to visit Cassie and actually had some fun. She said she loved me twice in one day, I couldn't believe it. I was talking to Jack and Mike about their Warped Tour experiences and both just seemed so glad to be home. Jack said at least he saw cool things and met new people, whereas Mike was kind of upset at having only slept in an actual bed about once a month for half a year or so while they were touring. I felt bad for him, for once he didn't seem happy and that's weird for me. I know I can't expect him to be happy always, but it's still weird if I'm the one smiling and being cheerful and he isn't. My dad's hand is finally better, he let me talk him into going to the doctor. Our relationship is getting better, but sometimes it's still difficult for us to find things to talk about. I don't know if he'll ever understand me, and vice versa. My grandma was told she has a growth on her thyroid and it's probably nothing, but this still scares the shit out of me. I want to her back from her about it. Maybe I should just call her. I've officially got tickets to Comic-Con, and I can't wait to go. I think the guy working in the comic shop my friend Katharine owns kind of likes me, because as I was buying the tickets he just kept talking and didn't seem to want to let me leave the store. Katherine actually had to tell him to get back to work. It's a little scary to think it isn't that long until I leave for Tokyo. Corey got caught drinking and driving again, God damn him. I don't know how I can love him so much and still be so pissed at him. I also met another Supernatural fan girl, and it was so fun. It was nice to talk to another girl about it; I love watching the show with mark, but he isn't going to get all fan girly over the guys with me, lol. I'm also going to help mom decorate her house for Halloween soon. I think that's about everything worth talking about that's happened in the last two weeks. Holy shit, it was actually a lot. Thanks for reading.
Today's song is "Fade to black" by Metallica
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