
Sorry I let this go for a few days, but I've been
CRAZY busy. I saw Jack yesterday, and he actually broke our little stalemate and spoke to me, so it's all good. It's really more like I came into one of his little hangouts, and he spotted me waved, came over and asked how I was. He was also wearing his glasses again. ^_^ I was too, of course. I hate to admit how happy just that little exchange still made me. I find it very interesting that my best friend had trouble recognizing me with the dyed hair and glasses, and he didn't. I saw Craig almost right after that, and he
recognized me, too. I still have some definite reservations about him, but I can't help that he makes me happy. I seriously just wanted him to reach out to me for once, that's all. He was kind of bitching about his job again when I asked what's been up with him lately, which makes it the third time he's done that. Not that I mind him opening up to me a bit, but I know for a fact that his job could suck a lot more. I was glad that he let me in again, if only for a moment. It might just be because I'm female and he's male that he expects me to be sympathetic, but whatever. He also told me his band's pushed up the recording date for their new song, to tomorrow. I wish I knew how we always end up on the subject of his band, though. I also got a little pissed at 3 of my friends and 1 of my cousins, for bragging about how drunk they either did get or were about to get. I love these people, which is why I don't understand why they do this to themselves. But this is also why the Straight Edge girl never gets invited out more than a few times a month, they know I'll just bitch them out if I see them drinking. This might also be why I don't get to hang out with Jack as much I'd like to. It was kind of funny, when he came up and started talking to me, my brilliant response was "Holy crap, I almost didn't see you. I'm sorry." I can laugh about it now, but I was fairly embarrassed. I guess that's it for today. Thanks again for reading.

Today's song is "Tha Perfect Boy" by The Cure
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