
Thanks, guys, for reading. I can't believe the page count's over 5,000 now. It's good, believe me. I'm sitting here now, feeling almost a little bored and sad. It's stupid, I know. Everyone's getting ready
for Thanksgiving, and so, of course they're all pretty busy. It'll be back to normal soon enough. I'm still thinking about my little talk with Jack yesterday, and I don't know if it's just my imagination or not that it means a little something that we both just happened to show up in our glasses yesterday. I think it's funny that he's the one who didn't feel self-conscious about them, at least until I said something. I'm really wondering why he just quit wearing them, and then suddenly started again. I'm trying not to read too much into anything where he's concerned, but I hate not knowing if it means anything. I guess I should just be glad that I have a glasses buddy. I really wish things were a little clearer between us, but that would require asking direct questions, which I totally lack the guts to do most of the time. I'm probably grasping at straws here, but I might not be, and I hate that so much. I need to calm down, this isn't getting me anywhere. I shou
ld just ask him. Yesterday would've been a damn good time, too. He was in a really great mood, and almost seemed happy to see me. Yeah, here comes the part where I want to bang my head on my desk again. Why do I have to be such a fucking wuss? Because I really like this guy, that's why >_> If he didn't matter, it wouldn't matter if he liked me or not. It would also help if I really felt I were worthy of him, right? I hate that I almost always spaz out around him. It'd just be a hell of a lot easier if I didn't look like Usagi-chan every time I see him, you know? I know it's almost impossible that he'd feel the same way about me, but there are these little things that keep happening and these little signals that I get which make me wonder if it could happen. I think that's about it for today, guys. Thanks again for reading and enjoy Thanksgivng.

Today's song is "Basketcase" by Green Day
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