
Here I am again. I'm really glad you guys are still reading. Thanks. ^_^ I got a call from Cassie yesterday, she was asking what to get our mom and brothers for Christmas. How awesome is it that she wants my opinion? I love this new found friendliness between us! I love that we can be friends, even though I don't expect us to be "besties" as she'd call it. I'm fine with that, as long as we remain friends. I asked Cory if his roommate took anything but his money, and he said no. This asshole did take the money my little brother had set aside for food and rent though, and that pisses me off. God, I hate that
there's nothing I can do about this. I need to write about something else now. I'm listening to music, though not Jack's band today. I'm kind of (as always) worrying about Jack and this weird situation we find ourselves in. I dyed my hair last night; it was supposed to be red, but since my hair is naturally dark brown it came out kind of a weird dark auburn color. I can't deny that I did this partially to get Jack's attention. I still hate that I look just like all these other girls he hangs out with. I sometimes wonder if he dreams of having a harem or something. In some ways, believe me, it seems like he already does.
Of the five guys in his band, he definitely gets the most female attention. Since their drummer is married, and actually a decent guy, though, I should probably not count him. I'm almost surprised he stayed with just one girl at all. I don't think that would bode well for anything that might be between us. I really hate never knowing where I stand with him. I know Mark thinks there's something going on between us, but I hate that he's warm, funny, and even sweet one day, then acts like nothing happened the next. I thought at first maybe he was ashamed of me, but then would he have introduced me to his bandmates if he were? I feel like a school gir
l again almost. I hate this feeling, like we're playing romantic hide and go seek or something. I was almost never happy as a school girl, and certainly nothing ever went right for me in the guy department. I know I said I like him and his friends because they're not quite as serious as my other friends, but I don't know about this. Maybe he really is too immature and young. Yeah, here comes that horrible, suffocating rush of insecurity again. I think I need to do something else. I'd actually really like to talk to him. I guess that's it for today. Thanks so much for reading.

Today's song is "People=shit" by Slipknot