I've been thinking a lot about my siblings' friend, Frank, and how weird it is that almost as soon as I gained a friend, they lost one. I'm trying not to feel guilty about reveling in the love of my family and friends, while other people suffer. I was just talking to Cory a little while ago and he said for the longest time he couldn't really believe Frank is dead, he almost expected him to call or come over and say "Hey, I got you, dude. I'm fine." I do realize how amazingly lucky I am to have not only people who love me, but people who put up with all my moody, emo shit without complaint. Mike was joking around on Facebook, asking people how many of them thought he should wear a mini-skirt to their next show. I'm still smiling, thinking about that. He and Cory share a certain sense of humor. He seems to be a pretty cool, nice guy. I did kind of question his motives though, for wanting to be friends, but I'm not anymore. I'm just happy to have him. ^_^ Their next show is actually on Samhain, and that is SO awesome. Mike's voice is pretty awesome, when he stands still long enough to catch his breath. I have to admit, these guys have a talent beyond their years, it's something else watching he and Jack onstage. I'm happy I got to meet them. I think it's funny how people can be similar, without even knowing it. I have a picture of Cassie and I in Kyoto and I'm making this dorky face, sticking my tongue out, then on his band's Facebook page, Jack's making the exact same face. I laughed so hard at that. I really want to go to their Samhain show, if at all possible. They're already hyping it up like mad, it's going to be so much fun.
I'm just reminded lately of how lucky I am, and that I have no reason to complain. I'm going to work harder at being less cynical and more grateful for everyone and everything I have. I had to get rid of my little kittens this morning, I already miss them. My landlady was kind of insistent that I do it as soon as possible. I know they're at a no-kill shelter, and I'm praying they'll be adopted soon.
I don't think my dad will be here as soon as I thought, and I have to admit that I'm having a hard time being better to him. It's fairly hard after little to no contact for years, you know? I can't just establish a connection out of nowhere. I'm going to be good to him when he gets here, though, don't get me wrong. He's one of those people who kind of has trouble taking people as they are, not like my friends and the rest of my family. My mom always says I swear too much, which I doubt, but other than that, I can't complain too much about them. I guess that's it for right now. Thanks again for reading, I appreciate it. I'll most likely be back on Monday.

I don't think my dad will be here as soon as I thought, and I have to admit that I'm having a hard time being better to him. It's fairly hard after little to no contact for years, you know? I can't just establish a connection out of nowhere. I'm going to be good to him when he gets here, though, don't get me wrong. He's one of those people who kind of has trouble taking people as they are, not like my friends and the rest of my family. My mom always says I swear too much, which I doubt, but other than that, I can't complain too much about them. I guess that's it for right now. Thanks again for reading, I appreciate it. I'll most likely be back on Monday.
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