I'm going to enjoy today as much as possible, because my dad's more than likely going to be here in a few days. I won't be able to blog much, or see my friends. God, I probably won't even be able to talk on Facebook very much. I'm not saying I don't want him here, per se, but I'm saying I find it very hard to let certain aspects of my personality out around him. For instance, this whole gothy witch thing I do. I actually cast a protection spell on my place this morning. It just requires some white candles and incense. I used dragon's blood, because it works really well and it smells good. Today's my day off from my nurse/maid gig, too, thankfully. I don't entirely miss it. I wonde what my dad would think if he saw how I really am, and not the girl I think I have to be when he's around. I think he'll probably be here by the time I get home from work on Monday, and I really hope it works out. I wonder what he'd think if he saw Mike and Jack, and how much I've come to like being around them. I wonder too, what THEY would think of my nurse/maid gig. I got a little message from Mike on Facebook this morning saying he thought it was me on the bus a few days ago, but that I've changed up my look a little, so he wasn't sure it was me.
I checked for his tattoos, and didn't see them. How could we have missed each other? He was also saying one of his best friends is moving away today, and he's having a really hard time of it. I tried to be encouraging and sypmathtic. I told him about Becky moving to Texas and how sad I was because of it. I wonder if I actually made him feel better, I hope so. I've changed up my look a little today, too. I've still got my black nails, but I'm not wearing much foundation or eye make-up. It's way easier this way, believe me. I kind of wonder if I look better like this. I kind of love not having to care so much about how I look. I went down to the store this morning, and didn't think I should go totally without make-up. It's kind of lame though, right, to put make-up on to go to the store? I used a little black eye shadow as eye-liner, and it actually works pretty well. I just don't feel as pretty or secure without the make-up. That's kind of why I identify so much with Ami Mizuno and Aya Hoshino; they're both really pretty, smart, and cool, but they're SO insecure about themselves.
I guess that's it for right now. I didn't really have a lot to say, but I wanted to get back on here one more time while I'm sure I still can without interuptions. Thanks so much for reading. I'm going to do my best to keep this up.