Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!! I hope next year will be better not only for myself, but for everyone. Now that I've finished "Yuri on Ice" 💓I thought I might as well finish some other series like "Tokyo Ghoul" and "Kuroko no Basuke" 💗💘 that I interrupted to watch "Yuri on Ice", and I fucking loved them. I know I'm kind of late to both parties, but damn they were good. Obviously, I developed a bit of a crush on Uta: his look is just so awesome and he seemed really cool. I've mentioned before I love Muraskibara from KnB, he's too God damn funny in my opinion. I also love his hair, he's cute. I'm planning to start "Bungo Stray Dogs" soon and have begun ""My Love Story". both of which I highly recommend based on what I know of them so far. I was also thinking that I should start the thrid season of "Uta no "Prince Sama"
. It's difficult to pick a favorite in that one, but I think if pressed I'd pick Ren, simply because he is gorgeous yet his lines are cheesy enough sometimes that I'd laugh. I've noticed I almost never seem to pick the guys in anime that are really popular with other girls, I tend to pick the weirdos. Do I have bad taste in both real and fictional men? I'm fairly sure I do, God damn it. I was listening to the four different bands my male friends are in, and objectively trying to decide who sings and plays better. I hate to admit that in my opinion Jack's band wins out by a pretty huge margin. But it's not just because of how he plays the guitar, it's in large part thanks to how Mike sings. His voice is objectively the clearest and has the best tone in my opinion. I go fairly heavily on whether or not I like the singer's voice when I listen to a band, and Mike fucking nails it. I miss him, obviously. It hasn't been the same between us since I refused to go to Jack's Halloween party. I'm not going to his New Year's party, either. I hate so much that this is happening. I know I said years ago that I was afraid of just this happening, and it's begun. The only way I can think of to stop it is to talk to Mike one on one and try to explain to him that just because things have gone to hell between Jack and myself doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore. I really want him around, in fact. I'm sure I mentioned that he was kind of the light to the darkness that Jack and I seemed more comfortable in. I need someone around who's not Angela with a better attitude than mine. Maybe it's not possible and I'm being too optimistic. I tend to be guilty of wishful thinking when I know I want one outcome but another is far more likely. I said too that if anything bad happened between Jack and I that it would be tough to keep up a friendship with Mike, since he's his best friend. See what I meant when I said I had bad taste in men? I'm also a little bored for the first time in what seems like forever. I think I'm going to wait until it gets dark and play "Slender". That's just the kind of mood I'm in right now. 💢 I also fucking finally got the new BVB and Motionless in White albums. I think that's it for right now. Thank you so much for reading this. I love you guys, 💙
Today's songs are " 570" by Motionless in White, " Goodbye Agony" by Black Veil Brides, and "Aurealia" by AFI