Good morning, everyone. I'm so glad I don't have to do too much this weekend, I'm so tired. I spent some time with my dad for his birthday, and he and Danny spent some time together yesterday. Part of me is really glad we have the chance to work shit out between us, but it's going to be so difficult to get it right. I don't want to be angry at him forever, and I'm trying really hard to work past that. I talked to Jack again, and he seems so happy, their album made it on this list of best indie albums out in the last year and he couldn't stop talking about it. He said he doesn't know how something this awesome could happen to a guy from a tiny city no one's ever heard of and will never hear of, but he's so happy it did. It's difficult not to catch his enthusiasm. I hate that they're planning to leave again almost as soon as they get home. He invited me to a few more shows, and I'm really afraid I'm going to have to bail on him again, because of work. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I sacrificing what feels like everything that matters to me for a job I'm just doing to make ends meet? Shouldn't he be more important to me? He is more important, but I don't know if he feels like he is. This is exactly the kind of shit that makes me hate my job, and to some extent, myself. All right, I don't need to keep harping on this. Mark and I watched One Piece again, and I still love Ace.

What is there not to love, right? We haven't gotten to the part where he dies yet, and I don't know if I can stand to see it again. I cried like a baby, I won't lie. It's weird, I cried like I would if I'd lost someone I loved, you know? All right, new subject. I know I complain about my mom quite a bit sometimes, and we argue, but I do love her very much. She has her moments of awesomeness, too, to be fair. She's growing pumpkins and said they should be perfect by Halloween, and I can have to make a Jack O Lantern with. I have to say, I thought it was really sweet. Plus, she knows Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I think that's about it for now. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is "Fade to black" by Metallica