
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New music, and more craziness

Good morning, everyone.
Sorry it's been a while since I wrote. I'm learning to make onigiri, and hope I don't fuck it up. I really liked them when I was in Japan and want to make them myself. I'm listening to the new Rise Against album, and it's so good. It helps that Jack recommended it to me too. ^_^ I'm so glad they're one of our favorite bands. I'm hoping his tour goes well, it's starting soon. He said one of his friends is joining his band, and seems so excited. I hope it works out well. I hope I get to see him again soon, I miss him so much. We're going to Canada in September and Comic-Con in October. I can't wait. I don't know if we're going to the amusement park after all. I know Cassie wanted the entire family to go and Cory can't, so I think that pretty much decided it. I think that's about it for today. I wish things weren't so crazy, but they are I'm afraid. I want to thank my new follower, thank you. ^_^

Today's song is "I don't want to be here anymore" by Rise Against

Monday, July 21, 2014

Oh my God, what a week

Good morning, everyone. Jack shared the above picture on  Facebook, though pointing out thunder storms scare the shit out of him. They were caught in a really bad thunder storm last night, and he posted "If I don't make it out of this, I want you to know that I love you all." I love him, and I thought it was funny. They're going to be leaving Warped Tour soon, and starting another tour. This means that I've been invited to another show and I'm not sure I can make it. It's kind of far away and it would be only a few days after my trip to the amusement park with my family. I miss him a lot and was so happy to hear anything from him, I don't want to disappoint him.  I really should go see him, I just wish he weren't so far away. He said their van broke down again and they're having trouble finding someone to fix it. Part of me wishes he'd just come home now, but I know he can't do that. I got to finally see Cory again, it was good to give him a hug and tell him I love him. He seems to be doing all right, though he's very busy. I probably waited too long to go see him. I had a few decent conversations with my dad, though it's still not easy for us to really understand each other. I guess it matters more that we're trying, right? I also know it must seem weird that I'm posting on a Monday, but I haven't had time before now. Mark and I went to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" yesterday, and it was really good. I don't want to go to work, but I have to get ready now. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is "The ghost of you" by My Chemical Romance

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Good morning, everyone. I had the picture to the right above this text posted to my Facebook wall by Jack yesterday, he said it made him think of me. How fucking cute is that? It's been so God damn hot here that the only time I really feel like doing anything is late at night or early in the morning. It's getting close to time to go on our trip to the amusement park, but now Cassie wants our entire family to go. I think it would be nice to have a full day of no cell phones, no iPODS, and no friends to distract us from each other. I know we haven't had much chance to spend time together lately, and we need to bond. The only problem is finding a day when everyone will be able to go. Once again, I get to figure that shit out. >_> I think that's it for today, thank you so much for reading. I'm going to go swimming. ^_^

Today's song is "Hero of the day" by Metallica

Sunday, July 13, 2014

What a week pt.2

Good morning, everyone. this entry should really be titled "I need a break", I didn't think it was possible to be this tired and still function normally. I saw this really gorgeous picture of Jack outside his band's venue at Warped Tour smiling so beautifully, it's weird how even that made my heart skip a beat. I'm going to the travel agency tomorrow to make sure nothing has changed with my flight information or hotel reservations. I worry too much, but can't seem to help it. I was going for a walk last night to get some exercise after it finally got cooler outside and just as I was passing a cemetery I hear a car pull up a little behind me. It turns out it was a cop, and he wanted to warn me about not wearing all black at night, and told me I should stick to areas that are better lit. I said I would, but don't have anything other than black clothes to wear. I think I'll just stick to swimming for exercise for now. I guess I should be glad he was nice about it, he even complimented my Metallica shirt. I know it was a stupid thing to do, but I needed to get up and do something since I couldn't take my mind off Jack and how much I miss him. It didn't help anyway to be honest. I'm probably going to be taking care of two new people soon, and feel like I need a little more time to take care of myself. I think that's it for today, I'm going to sit down and watch some anime now. Thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " Would?" by Alice in Chains

Monday, July 7, 2014

Long weekend, yay!

I'm so glad to have more free time today. I needed it. I was just thinking about what Jack said yesterday when he sent me the pictures of the ancient Egyptian things he saw. He said "I thought you'd be the only one of my friends who would dig this. I can't believe I'm finally getting to see shit like this, it's so overwhelming and cool." I didn't know he was into ancient Egypt at all, I think it's amazing to found a man who's so great in so many ways, and is into all this nerdy history shit too. I wonder if he didn't tell me before because he thought it would make him look nerdy. He should know by now that I love his nerdy side as much as I love every other part of him.
 I love that he was so excited to see these things, and knew what he was talking about too. I've been reading about Egypt since I was a little girl, and he must have been reading about it since he was a little boy, because he kept up with me when we were discussing it. I can't believe this, I didn't think I could love him any more than I do, and he just proved me wrong. He seems so damn close to perfect for me that it scares me a little bit. I keep wondering if eventually I'm going to find out something about him that ruins everything for me, I pray I don't. This just seems like yet another uncanny kismet moment between us when I wonder at the fact that while he's one of my newest friends, I have more in common with him than I do with almost anyone else I know. It's such a nice feeling. I was re-watching some older episodes of One Piece, and Mark was joking about my crush on Ace. He was also asking if girls only like him because he looks like this. I would have to say that personally while his looks got my attention at first, I fell in love with his character almost immediately. That's kind of like how it was with Jack too, I noticed his looks first, then fell completely in love with him as a person. I guess that's it for today. Thank you for reading.

Today's song is "Too late for gods" by AFI


Sunday, July 6, 2014

What a week

Good morning, everyone. I'm sorry I've been lazy about posting, but I've been so busy lately. Friday was the 4th of July, Saturday was Tori's going away party, so I didn't really have time. Tori is moving, and getting married in a few months after she and her fiancée get settled into their new place. I talked to Jack again a little bit ago, he said he's doing really well, and went to a museum in his time off from Warped Tour. I love that he decided to go to a museum in his time off instead of a bar. Maybe I've influenced him after all. He sent me pictures of some of the Egyptian artifacts he saw, because he knows I love shit about ancient Egypt. Once again, I love this man. I can't keep babbling about how happy he makes me. My apartment building also just had a swimming pool installed, and it's fucking amazing. I can't say I haven't spent some time there, I'm going back after I'm done writing.
Now there's no reason I can't swim year round since it's an indoor pool. God damn it, that's awesome. I'm going to be leaving for Tokyo in less than four months, I'm so excited. I really hope I'm properly prepared. part of me doesn't feel like I am. I feel like I need a vacation sooner than that though, so I'm very excited to go back to Canada. Thank God that's a little bit closer at least. I have so much shit I want to do, see, and buy in Tokyo that part of me is afraid I won't have time. I had the same problem in London, and didn't get to see everything I wanted to. I'll have to be more careful this time. I think that's going to do it for now. I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads this. ^_^

Today's song is "I hope you suffer" by AFI

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Not feeling well

Good morning, everyone. Sorry I didn't write sooner. The day after I got back from Warped Tour I started feeling really shitty. My head and stomach really hurt, and I  feel a little weak. I don't like this. Something tells me it's exhaustion or some shit like that. I slept about 8 hours and had to force myself to get up after that. I'm not sorry I went to Warped Tour, that was one of the best days I've had in a long time. Jack and Mike were amazing on stage, Jack looked so much more comfortable there than he used to. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen them live, it was great. I missed him so much. After the show I brought them cupcakes and sandwiches and as they were eating, Jack started looking sad. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I really hate leaving home. I know we can't quit now, but I want to stay."  Aww, right? I gave him a hug and tried to cheer him up, I guess it's tough on him being away too. He has about a month and a half left with Warped Tour I think, but then there's probably going to be another show or tour he has to leave for. I know it's going to be worth it when they make it, and I have no doubt they will, but this is tough on him. It weirdly make me feel better to know it takes a toll on him to be gone, it's not just me who feels his absence .I  think that's it for today, thanks for reading.
Today's song is " Thank you for the venom" by My Chemical Romance