I got invited to a rap concert by Megan, and had to turn her down. It starts an hour before I'm done with work, so that isn't going to happen for me. I feel bad for turning her down, she's a really good person and a great friend.
I told her we could do something else, but I wouldn't be able to make this show at all. Since it was her who echoed my discontent with work and life in general and actually understands how I feel, I almost feel as if I owe it to her to do something fun with her and just be a friend to her. Maybe we'll go shopping or something, you know? I hope we can manage this. I think I've said before that my life has become something of a juggling act. I also realized as I was doing my laundry yesterday that Cassie borrowed a pair of socks from me on Saturday and didn't give them back. I can't believe I let her do this after she didn't return the pants she borrowed. I have to promise myself I won't let her borrow any clothes again. She has more clothes than I do and steals mine, you know? The really shitty part is, she said she isn't even sure where they are in her apartment right now. Well, I guess what are a pair of pants and socks between sisters, right? I heard a little bit from Jack, he said he's taking guitar lessons from one of his favorite guitarists and is learning a lot, because this guy is way better than he is. I've been chasing this man for almost four years and haven't really heard him say a good thing about himself. People say I have self esteem issues. >_> I've been thinking a lot about him, and almost want to give up on being with him. Like I said, I've been chasing him for almost four years and haven't really gotten anywhere. Sadly though, he is the one my heart wants. I've done more thinking about my trip, and will just spend my first full day in Ikebukuro, where I'll be staying. I'm going to go J-World in the morning, then wander down to Otome Road and just see what I can see. I hope I can find everything I want to see easily, since I suck with directions. I'm going to bring a map, but even that might not be enough. I think that's all for today, thank you so much for reading.
Today's song is " 6 to 8" by AFI
I got invited to a rap concert by Megan, and had to turn her down. It starts an hour before I'm done with work, so that isn't going to happen for me. I feel bad for turning her down, she's a really good person and a great friend.

Today's song is " 6 to 8" by AFI