I've found out something else I want to do in Tokyo, I want to go to J-World, a Shonen Jump theme Park. Anything that might have to do with Itachi or Ace is a must, I'm afraid. Plus, I just really want to get my anime nerd on this time. I wanted to nerd out so much more than I did, but Cassie kept telling me she didn't want to, so I didn't. Speaking of Ace though, look at him. Gorgeous, right? Now if only he were a real guy, lol. I've found a hotel that's much closer to basically everything I want to see and do, but it costs a little more and doesn't offer breakfast. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. I told Cassie about it and she was surprisingly blasé and acted like she really didn't give a shit one way or the other what I did. I expected her to be jealous or want to come along or something, but she didn't seem to care. I'm glad in a way to have told someone about it, but it would have helped to have her talk to me more about it. I told Mark and he said if it weren't so crowded, it would be really fun in Tokyo and he'd like to go. He might still go if he can get over his aversion to crowds and a lot of noise. I think it would be fun to have him along, but not if he's going to be uncomfortable and unhappy the entire time. I also don't want to have to drag him shopping with me again, that wasn't fun for either of us. He hates flying too, so that might be a deal breaker for him. On to a different subject; the new client of mine that I said was really demanding actually called me and apologized for the way she'd acted and told me what a good job I'm doing. I can't tell you happy this made me. I think that's it for today, thanks for reading. '
Today's song is" Bother" by Stone Sour