This is my last entry before we leave, and I promise to try to keep it up as much as possible while in Europe. I'm going to miss a lot of people and things, but I need the break so much. I'm especially going to miss Jack, I'm afraid. His band's show this weekend was a total success, of course. I like that if I can't be there, he and Mike tell me about it and make me feel like I was there. ^_^ I have to say a very sad goodbye to My Chemical Romance, one of my favorite bands. I will always love their music and am glad to have heard it. I still can't believe they broke up, it sucks ass. I've been listening to them for almost 10 years, and I came to love them. I want to talk about something else now. I'm still not talking to Nate. He's still mad at me and acting like it's my fault that it didn't work when he kissed me. I didn't want him to kiss me, and I have no idea where he got the idea that I did. It's still painful to think that one of my most cherished friendships has been officially flushed down the toilet because of this. I love him as a friend, and didn't want anything else getting in the way. I miss being able to just talk to him about stupid, nerdy, random shit and having fun. I'll never forget all the fun we had together, but now he won't say anything to me and can't seem to look at me even. I really wish he hadn't kissed me. I still don't know what possessed him to do this. I miss what we had, and am so sad we won't get it back. I hate that this is ruined. I feel terrible for hurting him and Trevor, I really do. I can't help that I don't feel the same way about them, but I really feel terrible for hurting them. I didn't want to hurt them, and I'm sorry that I did. I don't know what else to do.
I hope Nate knows I never meant to hurt him. I'm kind of doubting he'll ever truly believe that, though. I think I need to switch subjects again. I can't wait to hang out with Cassie, Sabrina ,and Sandra again. I love them all like sisters, even though Cassie's the only one who is my sister. ^_~ I'm glad I got to say a proper goodbye to Cory and Danny, though I wish they could come with us. Danny was really sweet and got me a couple of early birthday presents, the second season of "Super Gals", and "The Hobbit". What can I say? My big brother knows his nerdy little sister. I think that's about it for now. Thank you so much for reading, I love you guys and will get back to you asap.
Today's song is " It's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking deathwish" by MCR

Today's song is " It's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking deathwish" by MCR