Damn, it's been a while since I wrote, sorry about that. I'm really not trying to make excuses, but I've been crazy busy this entire week. I guess I should begin filling you in on what's been going on, then. First off, I fucking finally got a cat. I had to petition my landlord to let me have a cat, and he finally gave in. I'm that much closer to having that perfect little life I imagined, and I'm so happy. My cat is a tabby, and he's really pretty. I named him Oliver after Oliver Twist, a character from one of my favorite Dickens stories. I'm really trying to train him to behave, so my landlord won't revoke his decision to let me keep Oliver here. So far, it's going well, but I've only had him a couple of days. He did wake me up by hoping up onto the bed with me yesterday though, and I couldn't help but love that. I've been hearing nothing but good things from Jack and the guys, except for the fact that it's way too hot everywhere they go. Too bad it's way too hot here, too. They seem to be doing great and having a hell of a time, and that's what's really important. I'm still counting the days until Jack gets home, of course. I really wish I'd seen more of him before he left. It bites that we live further apart now. I really want to brag again about Megan and Hannah, 2 mutal friends of ours who also like Jack's band, but didn't become friends with his bandmates or get invited by him to any of their shows. I know this is petty, but part of me still can't really believe it. I'm just wondering what it is that makes them think more of me. This week I'm also celebrating the 80th pound I've lost. You don't know how hard I've worked to get to this point, believe me. I'm also probably going to be assigned another client at work, which is crazy. I guess that's really it for right now, I'll be back asap.
Today's song is "Welcome home (sanitarium) by Metallica ^_^