I'm still hoping I'm doing the right thing about Jack and Mike. I feel so awkward talking to either of them, it's terrible. I was just talking to Jack and he said this other band of a friend of his used so much electricity, they blacked out half the city they were playing in. God, I wish I could've gone. What sucks about that is he's asked me to a show there before, the one that was supposed to be kind of small and intimate where I got confused as to why he asked me. I should have accepted his invitations more often. Before we left, I told him I'd be gone so he wouldn't ask me to his show. It's almost like preemptive rejection, you know? I don't like this. I have to keep from looking at either of them too closely, and I don't want to say too much to either of them. Jack knows how I feel about him, at least. I
hate to admit, they're both still so pretty. What's weird is that I've felt an emotional connection to both of them, too. They've both expressed things I've also felt in the exact same words I'd use. They're going to be home from their tour in a few weeks, too. Damn, time's gone by fast. On a totally different subject, I've noticed I've gotten over 13,000 pageviews here, nice. ^_^ I'm also going to be turning 27 this Sunday, Danny has some party planned for me. Have I mentioned Danny is a great big brother? I really don't like being
5 years older than Jack, though. I know it's not a huge age difference, per se, but it still seems weird. It's weird that I usually like older guys, though. I don't know how much difference age really makes when it's a fairly small age gap between people, but I do know that the fact that he drinks and I don't is a major potential stumbling block. I hate to say this, but in a way I see the fact that I got 2 guys who look like Jack and Mike do to pay attention to me and invite me out, wave at me, etc, as a MAJOR feather in my cap. Believe me, for a girl as fat as I was this is an unbelievable victroy. Now, all I have to do is worry about keeping them around. I guess I've really said all I need to say right now. I have a lot more thinking to do, obviously. I hope it's right to keep this a secret. I haven't mentioned it to anyone else yet. I guess that's all for today. Thanks again for letting me vent.

5 years older than Jack, though. I know it's not a huge age difference, per se, but it still seems weird. It's weird that I usually like older guys, though. I don't know how much difference age really makes when it's a fairly small age gap between people, but I do know that the fact that he drinks and I don't is a major potential stumbling block. I hate to say this, but in a way I see the fact that I got 2 guys who look like Jack and Mike do to pay attention to me and invite me out, wave at me, etc, as a MAJOR feather in my cap. Believe me, for a girl as fat as I was this is an unbelievable victroy. Now, all I have to do is worry about keeping them around. I guess I've really said all I need to say right now. I have a lot more thinking to do, obviously. I hope it's right to keep this a secret. I haven't mentioned it to anyone else yet. I guess that's all for today. Thanks again for letting me vent.
Today's song is "Collapse (post Amerika)" by Rise Against