It's kind of hard to be sad on my favorite day of the year, yet I'm not as happy as I could be. I sent out a little Halloween gretting on Facebook to all my family and friends. I sent one of my friends a happy birthday message, too. She's really lucky to have a birthday on this day. I saw a message from Jack to his friends, thanking them for helping him get home last night and saying he didn't really remember what happened. I thought to myself, "Jesus, Jack." I love him, but this can't be good for him. Of course, since I'm not his girlfriend, I can't really be telling him what to do. I guess as his friend, I have some right to talk to him about this, but I don't want to go pushing my beliefs on him. Just because I'm Straight Edge doesn't mean everyone else is, you know? My dad's leaving tomorrow morning, and in a way, I'm glad because that removes a small part of the stress from my life, but not all of it. I just hope he'll be okay. In a way, I think he wants to leave, because I haven't had a lot of time to spend with him, or been in the best of moods. When am I in a really good mood anymore, though? I want so much to just have things be simple, and it's never going to be anymore. I guess I should quit my bitching and find a way to fight my way through this, but that's going to be a hell of a hard thing to do. I guess that's it for right now. I have to
get going to work pretty soon. Thanks yet again for reading.

Today's song is "Afraid this time", Celldweller feat. Corey Taylor I am in love with his voice, I can't help it. ^_^