This is just a little blog about places I'd like to see.
San Francisco- I just think it looks like a really cool, fun place to be. Plus I love their little Japantown. Tell me that's not beautiful, right?

Salem, Mass.- For obvious reasons, I want to see this place. I'd probably want to see the Witch Museum and the old cemetery if possible.
London- This is also somewhere I want to go that sounds really fun. I also think a lot of it is probably really pretty, Hyde Park; for example. 

Those are the 3 main places I've been wanting to go to, besides Japan and Egypt, and these places (at least the 2 that are actually located in the U.S.) should be much easier on my wallet. I keep telling myself that none of this should be too difficult, and I want to go on a trip totally on my own for once. Luckily, no one I know wants to go to San Francisco or Salem, so I WOULD be totally on my own. ^_^ I know it's probably not fair to my family to say that, but I DO need some time to myself, and I want to do this before I'm either married and have kids, or I'm too old and weak to do it. Not that I see myself being married with children any time soon, although I totally have a guy I want to be my boyfriend. He and I were talking just yesterday about our respective experencies in music class, and how awesome our teacher was. Every once in a while we'll have these moments where I actually feel we connect, and are just a guy and a girl talking, not gorgeous store clerk and crushing customer. They call that kismet, right? I was so stupidly happy to see him, and he actually started chatting willingly, and smiled at me with that smile of his that melts me every time. Okay, I guess that's enough about that for right now. BYE!!!!!!!!!