I just wanted to write again, not thatI really have a lot more to say. It's been a lot more of the saem, I'm afraid. My sister and I have been getting along better, but that's because we don't spend too much time together, really. I got my older brother to listen to some AFI songs, but only because I begged him to find them for me and put them on my ipod. I'm technilogically impaired that way, so he had to help me out. H said that they were actaully pretty good, and I'm glad he said it over the phone, because I would have had this big, dumb "I told you so" smile on my face. It's nice that my family's been getting along pretty well lately, it makes me really happy. I'm also pretty happy how many of my friends from high school have stuck with me. I don't feel so lonely then, you know? It's also really cool that my brothers will do stuff for me that they hate. My older downlaoded AFI songs, my middle brother bought me a big bag of coffee for my birthday, and my youngest brother bought me "New Moon" on dvd for my birthday. they hate all that stuff, yet they did because they love me. I just like to be reminded of that. I guess i'd better go. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!