Okay, here I am again. I've spent a good part of the day trying to get all this crap in order before we go, so that we don't really have so much to worry about once we're there. I'm not scared so much now as I am frustrated. I'm pretty sure that NOW I finally know what's going on. I pray I do, anyway. My mom told me pretty much the same thing that I said yesterday, about not letting my nerves and fears get in the way of all the fun I'll be having. I know deep down that that's right, and I'm trying REALLY hard to put it into practice for myself. I just really want this to go right. I never fully realized how much goes into planning a trip, because I'd never done it. >_> This is one hell of a learning experience, let me tell you. ^_^ I guess I should be grateful that I'm figuring all this out beforehand, so then there should be a minimum of surprises. Well, hopefully none. No bad ones, anyway. ^_^ My sister said that she's kind of stressed out by it too, and I understand, but I think I've got it handled (more or less) now. I think once we've got the hotel reservations all worked out, we'll be much better off. Again, listening to music helps me stay calm. You'll never guess what I'm listening to now. ^_^ I'm going through different albums and stuff, but usually always the same bands; AFI, My Chemical Romance, Stone Sour, Slipknot, Metallica, The Cure, and Rise Against. I have the most songs on my i pod from those 7 bands, but almost a tenth of the stuff there is AFI. What can I say? It's all just so good. I think it's healthy to have a certain amount of stuff that you can always go to, though, stuff that you KNOW you love. I have TV shows and movies like that, too. The Simpsons is always good, as are Charmed, The X-Files, and Supernatural. I was practically raised on The Simpsons, my whole family can quote huge parts of most of the episodes, but my mom hates it. We'll do it sometimes, just to bug her. I find it kind of comforting to have a bunch of favorite stuff that I can always go back to if I shouldn't find anything newer that's any good. I've got books and manga like that too, actually. I guess everyone does, right? I'm going to talk more to my sister about this, and hopefully we can finally get all of this in order and I'll sleep a lot better once we do. I need to keep telling myself to relax, after all this is going to be A LOT of fun. It would be just like me to ruin something that I've wanted for so long by freaking out needlessly, and I WON'T do it this time. Again, I wish I were calmer naturally. Although, this nervous energy has its uses, I don't need quite so much. This should really be the last time I bring that up, it's not helping any if I just keep going over it. I'm listening to "Sulfur" by Slipknot now, I've had my AFI fix for the day. You know how I said Corey had a great face? Here's what I mean.
that would be him at the bottom. I was kind of shocked the first time I saw his face, I knew what the mask he wore looked like, but had no clue he was cute. I kind of like the longer hair too, it's perfect. When I started talking to my sister about Slipknot, the first and only question she asked was "Are they hot?" I showed her that picture, and she disagreed. I kind of like it that way, though. Really, what was I thinking talking to her about them, and him, though? Oh well, it doesn't matter now. I guess that's all for now. BYE!!!!!!!!!!